Pawling Youth Hockey & Recreation  Street Hockey

Winter 2022
2022-12-02 00:00:00.0 at 2022-12-02 11:15:00.0
2022-12-02 00:00:00.0 at 2022-12-02 12:15:00.0
Registration Dates:
2022-11-24 – 2022-12-02 regular
Minimum age:
5 years old
Maximum age:
13 years old
Age as of:
2022-09-01 00:00:00.0
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 11:15am to 12:15pm
Individual Fees

Return to Try (Ball) Hockey for Free

The New York Rangers are excited to expand their street and ball hockey programming through the Junior Rangers platform. These programs are designed to help introduce new players to the game of hockey while keeping kids active and healthy. By providing families with the necessary equipment and instruction kids will learn to basics and have the resources to enjoy the game for life.

Try (Ball) Hockey For Free Kick Off Event 

Players will have the opportunity to learn the basics of the game with the help and support of NYR Alumni and the Hockey Development Team. In partnership with local towns and other grassroots partners, players will participate in a 1-hour introductory lesson without all of the barriers inherent in ice hockey.

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