Junior Rangers Rookie League @ Andrew Stergiopoulos Ice Rink (Spring Session)  Ice Hockey

Spring 2022
Feb 20 ’22
May 1 ’22
Registration Dates:
Nov 30 ’21 – Apr 10 ’22 regular
Minimum age:
4 years old
Maximum age:
10 years old
Age as of:
Sep 1 ’20
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 10:00am to 11:00am

Non-Competitive and Educational Cross Ice Hockey Games and Skills Sessions

Individual Fees
Regular $395.00

Return to Junior Rangers Rookie League @ Andrew Stergiopoulos Ice Rink @ Great Neck

Participants will learn the basic game and team concepts, plus, they will build important characteristics on and off the ice: teamwork, responsibility, and respect. Once a week, for 10 weeks, your child will have the opportunity to play games led by Rangers staff. It is a fun way to meet new teammates and play some hockey! 

This year we will be offering three seasons of Rookie League throughout the year and your child has the opportunity to participate in each one. Each week there will be  one game at convenient times for you. The on-ice times will be the same throughout the season unless communicated. 

    Your $395 league fee includes:

    • 1 game plus 1 practice a week per season
    • No long distance travel as all games are hosted at your local rink
    • Junior Rangers jersey

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